Wednesday, December 21, 2022

China to ramp up development of human resources services providers

 China will support the growth of market entities in the human resources services sector during the 2023-2025 period, according to a circular released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

The country aims to cultivate about 50 leading enterprises and approximately 100 smaller firms that are innovative and distinctive in providing specialized human resources services by 2025, according to the circular.
Measures will be taken to expand employment through market forces, and platforms to match supply with demand in key areas, such as manufacturing, will be established.
Assistance will be provided to China's western and northeastern regions to beef up local human resources markets.
China plans to establish approximately 30 national industrial parks for human resources services and a batch of local industrial parks by 2025, focusing on building high-level national talent markets in key areas, the circular said.
Efforts will also be made to advance opening-up in the sector, facilitate relevant cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and establish high-quality export bases for human resources services.